“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”

- Deepak Chopra
How many times in life we face a situation, when we feel everything is going wrong against us? I think many a times we face these challenges, be at work place, or in relationships or elsewhere and we always feel that we are perfect, it is the others who spoil everything. Do we analyse holistically as to what could be the reasons for this and try to ponder on questions like, “Why did my boss questioned me today, what did I do which made him behave this way with me” or say, “Why was my wife in this mood today”. The answer lies in Self Analysis as it is finally the individual who has to take a call and analyse his/her strengths and limitations on a day to day basis and following can be a way in doing that;
Be still in a space of your own
Play some soothing music, preferably of a flute and be conscious about your being. Do this at your home and be alone. Don’t brood or spoil your mood. Just be yourself and think of the day gone by and in a flash, remember the low points and high points of the day and tell yourself that you will not repeat the low points again. Keep aside your ego.
Go Backwards
Whenever you have some trouble, say at workplace, go backwards in your career, in your thoughts and see whether this kind of trouble had occurred that time. If yes, then what did you do to tackle that. If you did nothing that time, this is the time to do something about it. Remember, every mistake has to result in an action plan to correct that. You cannot ever change someone else, the least you can do is to change yourself.
How many times in life we face a situation, when we feel everything is going wrong against us? I think many a times we face these challenges, be at work place, or in relationships or elsewhere and we always feel that we are perfect, it is the others who spoil everything. Do we analyse holistically as to what could be the reasons for this and try to ponder on questions like, “Why did my boss questioned me today, what did I do which made him behave this way with me” or say, “Why was my wife in this mood today”. The answer lies in Self Analysis as it is finally the individual who has to take a call and analyse his/her strengths and limitations on a day to day basis and following can be a way in doing that;
Be still in a space of your own
Play some soothing music, preferably of a flute and be conscious about your being. Do this at your home and be alone. Don’t brood or spoil your mood. Just be yourself and think of the day gone by and in a flash, remember the low points and high points of the day and tell yourself that you will not repeat the low points again. Keep aside your ego.
Go Backwards
Whenever you have some trouble, say at workplace, go backwards in your career, in your thoughts and see whether this kind of trouble had occurred that time. If yes, then what did you do to tackle that. If you did nothing that time, this is the time to do something about it. Remember, every mistake has to result in an action plan to correct that. You cannot ever change someone else, the least you can do is to change yourself.

Write down your strengths and limitations
At every month end, most of the people check their bank balances. Its all the more better to check your “emotional abundance” and maintain a diary, where you should write your strengths and weaknesses in a particular month, along with at least one thing you would have done differently
Have a Goal Map
Develop a Goal map about what you are today and what you intend to be in future. Example; I will be a Head of my department/division and will have a house and a car of my own in 2015. It can also be a short term goal like I will not repeat this mistake ever again
Have self-esteem
Don’t do self analysis with self-pity. Analyse as if you are good enough as an individual having high self esteem and see things in a holistic perspective, with a belief that all individuals have their perceptions. Hence, self analysis is more of self awareness and the ways in which you can harmonize your life. Every human being is different and one has to accept this. But we can always try in our own way to analyse ourselves and be intelligent human beings. And, surprisingly it works as a tool to empower ourselves.
Suggested readings:
1. Goal Mapping, available at
2. Key To Living The Law Of Attraction, available at
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