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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Social Inclusion Workshop for India and ECSA : 28th to 30th March, 2010

By Shweta Chooramani

The social inclusion workshop was primarily facilitated by Diane Mulligan, Praveen Kumar and Gertrude for three days at Hotel Retreat, Madh Island in Mumbai from 28th to 30th March,2010.

Day 1: 28th March, 2010

The day started with Diane's presentation on basic difference between human rights & equality. The session highlighted the fact that human rights respect the difference and empowers the person to take informed choices. It was emphasized that "Rights has to be given with dignity and not charity".

To let the participant grasp the concept of equality, she quoted an example of "Guaranteed Interview Scheme" in UK wherein all the applicants meeting the minimum eligibility criteria were called for an interview.

Following here presentation Ketan took a session on barriers faced by people with disability. There can be four types of barriers for disabled persons:

  1. Information and Communication
  2. Build Environment
  3. Insitutional
  4. Attitudes and Behaviour

To break these barrier time to time different types of models have been explored and applied rangin from traditional model where disabled persons were seen with pity to medical model where they their existence is valid only in presence of the certificate.

With time, social model evolved wherein the focus was on bringing the best out of the disabled person rather than their limitation. Then came the bio-psycho social model which was holistic as it envisages medical, pyschiatric and environmental needs of the person.

In second half of the session , Dr Sam Taraporewala shared his advocacy experience in financial access, print access, education of visually impaired and employement opportunities resepectively.

On left, Diane Mulligan from HH: Faciltator for workshop

Gertrude from West Africa Regional Office and Praveen Kumar from Noth East India Area Office: Facilitators

Ketan Kothari from South India Area Office: Took session on different models of disability and challenging attitudes and behaviours.

Day 2: 29th March, 2010

This day sessions were planned to identify gap in current approaches of CBR through group work. Discussions were driven around scalability, demonstration and twin trach approach. According to the twin track mainstreaming disability as well as initiating disabiltiy specific initiatives goes hand in hand.

George intorduced the guest speaker of the pre lunch session, Prasanna Pincha who is a member of national team leader on UNCRPD and also special rapporteur of National Human Rights Commission. His session revolved around the overview and analysis of UNCRPD.

Interesting disucussions surfaced up during this session about human rights and how the UNCRPD is being signed by a country. There are four generation of human rights. First generation human rights are those rights which can be realized immediately like civil and political rights. While, the second generation human rights are realized progressively by an individual like social, economic and cultural.

Guest speaker Prasanna Pincha welcomed by facilitators. He took a session on UNCRPD overview, its analysis, on how the UN convention can be used to enable PWDs to realize their rights.

Presentation by Prabhat Sinha, North West Area Office on WHO CBR matrix during group excercise.

India follows the dualist system of international law which signifies that an international commitment only becomes domestically operational when it is made part of a national legislation. India has both signed and ratified UNCRPD hence this international commitment requires that active steps be taken to make the rights available to persons with disabilities.

The flip sides of optional protocol as specified in UNCRPD was also discussed. According to this protocol a person with disability can seek guidance and justice from international committee if their voice is unheard in their country. While UK is the signatory of optional protocol, India has not signed it yet.

After the lunch session, participants were divided in group to work on linking the WHO CBR matrix with programmes supported by Sightsavers.

Day 3: 30th March, 2010

The concluding day area/region wise groups worked on stakeholder analysis for implementing UNCRPD.
Group work in India team for presentation on action plan within next 12 months on social inclusion.

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