You will be glad to know that among the who's who of this national committee*, amcha (in marathi, our very own) Ketan is a member. While Ketan is glad because he has a special moment to share with all of us...let's hear that in his witty ways!
Well before you enjoy this, here is key to get yourself updated with the news on disability : DNIS (Disability News and Information Service).
What is DNIS?
Its a fortnightly news service on the Indian disability sector and a part of NCPEDP's Disability Awareness Unit (DAU). It is supported by European

Over to Ketan !!!
The Saturday 25 July was a hot, rainless day in Delhi and me with my couple of friends were involved in animated discussions about various issues relating to the rights of the disabled. The lunch time was an occasion to socialize and we were just about to finish the Chinese cuisine when I was asked about my flight timings and I told with irritation that my flight was late in the evening and expressed my disappointment that I did not book an earlier flight.
Little did I know that the so-called mistake of mine would result in one of the most memorable moments of my life. A few minutes later, Mr. Javed Abidi** told us in a most normal tone that we should be ready by 4 PM as we were to meet the Prime Minister. I am generally very cynical and am not much excited by such meetings but Prime Minister was something else. From last so many years, we had heard about his formidable CV and his commitment so one did look forward to meeting him.We drove to 7 Race Course Road, but as it happens with me... my name was written wrongly and I was prevented from entering the premises. It was a lot of struggle and exchange of calls that I was allowed to enter. Initially, I had half a mind of conveying to my friends in Mumbai that we were to meet the Prime Minister but then I thought that one should wait as anything could happen and the whole plan could collapse. And when this issue of mistaken identity occurred, I almost felt that the whole excitement was wasted. But somehow it was resolved and I entered the huge premises. The walkway inside was accessible with ramps and we could hear a lot of chirping of birds especially the peacocks.
After some 100 metres of walking, we entered the meeting room and once we all were seated the Prime Minister entered; shaking everyone by the hand. He spoke so softly that it was a test of hearing capacity to decipher what he was saying. The conversation lasted for about 15 minutes. We appraised him of our expectations of the Government and he sounded quite aware of most of the issues. He said that disability matters were close to his heart and it gave immense satisfaction to him if he could help this community. I made it a point to thank him and the Government for making the elections accessible.
At the end of the meeting I requested for a group photo (I was surprised myself as I am not a photoloving person). He kindly obliged and the meeting concluded with a word of guarded promise from him. The day was inscribed on my mind forever and I will cherish the memory of meeting one of the greatest men who transformed the economy of India and gave us a lot to cheer about.
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* The members of the Committee are Javed Abidi, A.S. Narayanan, Arun Rao, Asha Mehra, Akhil Paul, C. Mahesh, J.P. Gadkari, Kanchan Pamnani, Ketan Kothari, M. Srinivasulu, Muthamma B. Devaya, Nilesh Singit, P.K. Pincha, Poonam Natarajan, Radhika M. Alkazi, Rajiv Rajan, Rama Chari, Shampa Sengupta, Shanti Auluck, Shilpi Kapoor, Shivani Gupta, Suhas Karnik, Sunil Kumar Singh, Vandana Bedi and Victor John Cordeiro.
**Mr Javed Abidi is Honorary Director of National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (N.C.P.E.D.P.)
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