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Monday, February 2, 2009

Meet Helen Slater, Direct Marketing Manager

Hi all,

Wondering why so many posts in one day...

Well so many events are going on around not to mention the approaching deadline of KPI and APRs...and travelling....

Or may be this is the bday chocolate effect...yes..Shrinivas's birthday was there yesterday...Though we have forecasted a birthday treat...traveling of SIAO team members can cause variance as always (hope Bala is not listening).

Sabitra would be flying to Bangkok and Bangladesh for a week or so. Dont forget to forward your shopping list to him. While Rajesh would be going to the mecca of eye care management courses, LAICO - Madurai. Ketan is off to Karnataka with Sabitra for doing an end term evaluation.

This morning we met with Helen, Helen Slater,Direct Marketing Manager at Sightsavers Global office. Our Andhra partners will get to meet her next week followed by Sankara Eye Hospital, Chennai. To get the real feel of indian culture Helen would be staying at one of our partners place. Now that's we call the spirit. Her area of interest is to learn about Diabetic Retinopathy and community based resource mobilization models at the field.

Helen works with the FCD and her work revolve around raising funds from individual donors. If you have browsed enough our website, you must be knowing GIFT OF SIGHT.

What is Gift of Sight?

The Sightsavers' gift list gives you a great opportunity to buy your friends and loved ones a fantastic present which could have a huge impact on someone's life in the developing world. Please check on

That's all for now...I am waiting to catch hold of Rajesh/Ranjish about the inaugural event of Mobile Eye Care Clinic at Nashik...but to no avail...nevertheless...if I succeed you will see it next.

Happy APR + KPI making...


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