Dear 'All' at Sankara Eye hospital ...
Following my visit to your establishment on the 3rd December had both an interesting and informative tour of the hospital. J. Babu was most kind and showed me around all of the facilities as well as giving me general overview of each department.
I was really impressed by the professional nature of this hospital. The standard of cleanliness was as good as can be expected anywhere and would no doubt help give the patients confidence they were getting the best treatment possible.
Something I'd not given too much thought to before, was the conundrum of getting people to the hospital itself. But the regular bus service ensures that the patients only need get as far as Pallavarum, after which the hospital bus delivers them to the clinic. To make it as easy as possible for patients to get 'to' and 'from' is imperative for the smooth daily operation of the facility.
I was told too about the regular Camp's that are co-ordinated by the hospital, which sends a team to outlying villages as an integral part of care in the community. Where the surgery goes to the patients to both advise and treat whenever possible, in areas with limited infrastructure is of the utmost humanitarian importance.
As a long time supporter of Sightsavers International have now seen first-hand that the money is not only being used well, but is doing a considerable amount to change the lives of ordinary people in both rural and suburban India. I will be passing this same message on to as many other people as possible, as well as continuing to do what I can to raise funds for this undeniably worthwhile cause.
In closing would like to offer my thanks to all the staff that I met and spoke to, and who are working so hard to ensure the ongoing success of Sankara Eye hospital. But I would especially to S. Babu, S. Visvanathan and S. Prassana Venkatesan who made me feel both welcome and made my visit a very special time.
Regards and thanks again.
Len Jones