The prelaunch meet of the “Mumbai Eye Care Campaign” an initiative by Sightsavers International was held today the 9th of May 2009, at the Dr.Chokshi Auditorium of the Tata Memorial Hospital , Parel (E).
The event was inaugurated by a lamp lighting ceremony by:
Dr. Kumbhar – Ast. Director Health Care – Ophthalmology Govt of Maharashtra,
Pratima Harite – Standard Chartered Bank,
Mrs.Anahita Dastur Chairman, Lotus College of Optometry,
Mr. K. Ramakrishna – Hon. Secretary National Association for the Blind,
Mr. Bihari Shah – President Blind Person’s Association,
Elizabeth Kurian – Regional Director Sightsavers International,
Katrina Scaife – Sightsavers International UK.
Ms. Elizabeth Kurian – Regional Director Sightsavers International in her welcome address shared about Sightsavers and its work around the world and how it has been working actively in India since 1966 to eradicate avoidable blindness and place the visually impaired into the mainstream society.
Ms. Prema Chande – Principal – Lotus College of Optometry then shared her study about the pilot project conducted in Dharavi, Asia’s largest slum (Jan2008 – Jan 2009). The project revealed astonishing facts and laid the foundation for the e Mumbai Eye Care Campaign.
The study revealed that the three major barriers for not availing refractive error services was that 51% of them were not aware that eye care is important for their day to day to activities, 53% of them looked at it as a loss of time and eventually daily wages for going for an eye examination and 41% of them believed that they will not be able to afford eye care.
Ms Katrina Scaife – Sightsavers International ,shared her fond memories of her visit to Dharavi during the monsoons for the pilot project , she spoke about the association with Standard Chartered Bank and gave her best wishes to all the partners of MEC .
Bhavana Pande – Project Manager – Mumbai Eye Care Campaign shared how MEC had a two – fold motive – first to screen and treat 1.5 million people in various slums – Dharavi, Mankhurd, Malad for refractive error and second to spread primary eye care awareness amongst 10 millions Mumbaikars. She said she was looking forward to make Mumbai an Eye Friendly City – where people would not go blind due to ignorance . As per WHO statistics 75% blindness is avoidable.
Pratima Harite – Standard Chartered Bank – spoke about the association of Standard chartered bank and Sightsavers under the “Seeing is Believing” project and how together they have been able to effectively deal with various eye care issue over the years. She spoke fondly of her association with MEC and is looking forward to another major impact in eye care through this campaign.
Dr. Kumbhar – Ast Director Health care – Ophthalmology- govt of Maharashtra spoke about how he was excited about this campaign and was looking forward to extend all help on behalf of the government to make a difference to eradicate avoidable blindness.
Street plays were performed by the Aqua theatre group led by Junaid , these plays work as a major barrier working force in the slums of Mumbai. People were also shown 2 short eye documentaries that spoke about making a difference for this cause.
Shrinivas Sawant – Area Director Sightsavers ended the meet by a vote of thanks to the entire group of partners whose continuous efforts have made it possible to think of eradicating avoidable blindness from Mumbai and then the country.